Last week we put out a survey on our Instagram page asking what you'd like to know about our farm. We received so many great questions! Here are the answers to a few of them:
Q: How do we procure some of the beef from your farm?

A: There are numerous ways to purchase our beef and other products from our farm. During farmers' market season, our products can be purchased at the Westside Community Market on Saturdays from 7-12:30 and at the Monona Farmers Market on Sundays from 9-1. In the off season, we fill our bulk orders for folks interested in eighths, quarters, halves or whole beef. These are a great way to enjoy a variety of cuts at a discounted price. You work with our butcher to have the animal cutup to your specifications. This is how we sell the vast majority of our pork as well. You can also come out to our farm anytime. We have some open days during the off season and are available by appointment year round!

Q: How often do you brush their hair?
A: Highlands love to have their long hair combed. As our herd has gotten larger, we don't spend as much time combing them as we did when we first started. But we do try to spend some time with the young calves so they get used to us - especially the calves that our neighbors take to the fair.
Q: How do you safely handle the cattle with horns? Do they get in the way or cause problems?

A: We get this question a lot. The horns are one of the unique characteristics of the breed and are very important to the health and comfort of the animal. They act as large radiators by keeping the animals cool in the summer. Blood runs through the horns and so you'll often see them keeping their horns in the shade during a hot day - similar to when we put a cold compress on our wrists to stay cool. Highland cattle are well aware of their horns and will often use them to get an itch on their back or shoo away a pesky fly. When we work them in close quarters or though gates, they take their time but it's quite amazing to watch them navigate by tilting their heads back and forth.
Q: I'm not an early riser. Is there a way to pre-order beef for the farmers market so you don't run out?
A: What a timely question! We are excited to launch a pre-order form for the 2020 market season. We're exploring our options on how to handle these orders now and will have it up and running for the first market of the season - April 18, 2020! Stay up to date by joining our mailing list! We only send a few emails a year and they always include a picture of a cute calf!
Stay tuned for more answers to your questions in a future post! What other questions do you have about our family farm?